This page provides a list of useful links to groups, charities and information about M.E.
If you know of a page that is particularly useful to you, or are a charity or group who would like to be listed here feel free to get in touch via my Google+ profile, Twitter or the contact me section.
The Spoon Theory
A useful way to describe limited energy levels for anyone with a chronic illness.
Association of Young People with ME
A charity set up to support young people with ME up to the age of 26. They have forums for them to talk to other sufferers as well as helpful advice and guidance on living with this illness. They also have a Functional Ability Scale which gives an idea of the varying degrees of severity.
ME Association
A charity with lots of useful articles on M.E. and research that is going on into the cause.
Action for M.E.
Another charity with some useful articles about M.E. and some key ones for helping to fill in benefit forms.
Invest in ME
This charity concentrates on campaigning for much needed bio-medical research into M.E.
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